Bioavailable Minerals - Drink up!
/Minerals are vitally important to the production of cellular energy. For the body to effectively utilize minerals, they have to be in an ionic form.
Most mineral supplements on the market are larger than micron sizes, which means they stay in the bloodstream, and eventually may become deposited in various tissue locations.
The roots of plants are designed to break down the soil and absorb angstrom sized mineral particles. When we eat vegetables, or drink their juices, we receive angstrom-sized minerals, which are the key to optimal mineral absorption and vital for our body and spirit to thrive.
Juicing frees the nutrients of whole vegetables - especially green leafy vegetables and grasses, such as wheat grass and barley grass - which are an exceptional source of essential minerals, vitamins, chlorophyl, nutritional enzymes, structured water and essential amino acids.
Except when doing a specific juice fast, juices are always an addition to plenty whole raw foods in a daily diet - not a substitute for them, because fiber has an important role of nourishing good bacteria in the gut and cleaning out the intestines like a broom.
Fruits do contain a lot of natural sugar, and the fiber slows down the absorption, preventing sugar rushes. Fruit juices are not recommended because of this very reason, as fruit juices have a very straining effect on the pancreas promoting hypoglycemia.
The best time to drink fresh pressed juice is on an empty stomach or one hour before eating a meal. Stay clear of pasteurized, store bought juice.
Pure Synergy, which has been the gold standard for superfood blends in decades, is an excellent option when juicing is not an option.
Please click here for more information and to order this amazing boost of synergistic whole foods nutrition.
Drink Your Minerals ;-)
Jeannette von Johnsbach